With over 30 years of experience Northwest Bay Nursery specializes in deer resistant hedging, annuals and perennials for Nanoose Bay and Vancouver Island. We are also home to some of the most beautiful hanging baskets around, and a wide variety of trees. Most of our plants are grown on site, so you know they will do well with the local climate. Enjoy!Brian & Evy
Our Services
“Emerald Isle” Leylandii Cypress
We're one of the largest growers on the Island of this drought-tolerant, fast-growing, deer-resistant hedge.
Shrubs & Trees
A wide variety of trees, shrubs and small perennials are grown on site that are suitable for Vancouver Island.
Local Experience
Want to attract humming birds, bees, or butterflies? Over 30 years of local experience makes us experts on Island flora and fawna.
Deer Proofing
Tired of the deer eating your favorite flowers? We have an extensive selection of deer proof annuals and perennials.
Hanging Baskets
We’re known for the quality of our custom hanging baskets. Purchase one and return year after year to have it filled with new flowers.